As we add new volumes they will be listed here at the top of the list so that you can quickly see what is new.
Barren County KY Deaths Recorded 2021-2024.
Includes a full listing of recorded deaths in addition to websites for the funeral homes conducting the services, abbreviations and information shown in the obituary. This can include dates of birth and death, parents, spouse, military, place of burial or cremations. Funeral homes shown include not only the ones in Barren County but those in other counties who conducted the services. 133 pages including a surname index. E-book price is $12.00.
From Black Chickens to Whale Blubber.
A step back in time to look at medicine in the 1800s. This is not an in-depth medical book but a look at the progress made during this period of history, particularly in the South. Starting with old-time remedies passed on through generations, to the era of Snake Oil and patent medicines, dentistry, eye care, the old country doctor and during the Civil War. It ends with some of the wacky and often dangerous machines or techniques used. Many illustrations of tools and equipment. 42 pages, no index. E-book price is $10.00.
Kentucky Orphans and Orphanages in 1900.
A listing of the known orphanages with locations and general information including photos of some of them. . Includes a list of the orphans found recorded in 12 of the major orphanages. Information shows name, age, often month and year of birth, gender, race. Full-name index, 46 pages. $10.00
Of Murderers And Lunacy.
Taken from Glasgow, KY newspapers, 1874-1911. The first part deals with recorded murders showing name of murderer, victim, how killed, location & many times relationships . There are additional murders prior to this time based on Circuit Court records and the index of criminal cases handled; these date back to 1812 but do not show details. Many bone-chilling murders are shown including murder by spitball and children's murders. Part 2 are the Lunacy cases held by the court from 1879-1911. Included here is a brief background on the mental institutions individuals were sent to, Black's Law defining lunacy, and listing of individuals committed. Shown in this list would be the name, the cause, where committed and any deaths, escapes, etc. Counties shown include Adair, Allen, Barren, Cumberland, Edmonson, Green, Hart, Metcalfe, Monroe and Warren. 60 pages including a full-name index. $17.00