Advent With A Friend

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The next two paragraphs are quoted from the book's back cover.

"Traveling to the Holy Land for the first time back in 2000, was a transformative experience. It was also one I knew immediately that I hoped to repeat. Since then I've been blessed to visit multiple times and every time there are new experiences, insights, and learnings. It has energized my engagement with scriptures and powerfully added depth to my understanding of the Incarnation the Word made flesh. It was extraordinary to walk around in the three dimensional world where the events of scripture, which I'd first encountered as a child on flannel board and as I grew up in the pages of the Bible, took place

"My hope is to share my enthusiasm for this story through the lens of the beginning of the story of Jesus - his nativity. Through words and pictures from my trips I am looking forward to journeying with you from the first Sunday of Advent through the day after Christmas. It will be a privilege to share a bit of time with you each day during the Advent season. as we make our way again to Bethlehem."

Check out my Psalms With A Friend, Through The Bible in 365 Days, and We Will Get Through This Together volumes as well. Further projects are in the works, including a With A Friend devotional for the book of Acts.

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George Coe Love has been a pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA) for more than thirty years. He has been the pastor of Hebron Presbyterian Church in Shepherdsville, Kentucky, just south of Louisville, since 2005.

George and his wife, Julie, have two adult children, Cameron and Eliza. He loves being a pastor, reading, writing, running, watching baseball and soccer, and collecting comic books.