This volume may be purchased from Amazon in either paperback or as a kindle edition by following this link. You may also obtain a paperback copy by contacting me directly.
This project, which was originally to be called When Lent Went On Forever, is composed of daily meditations written over one hundred days early in the COVID-19 pandemic.
The following is quoted from the book's back cover.
A Devotional History
There are pandemic modifications to our lives that are still with us and will remain with us. But there is also much that we experienced that has already begun to fade into the past.
This devotional is a history of sorts. As you read you will likely be reminded of things that were true in the spring of 2020 that were very much unique to that time.
It is my hope that these devotionals will serve as a marker for that moment in time, but that they will also be useful for any time in life that is challenging and in which a thoughtful, reflective, encouraging word will be helpful.
Check out my Psalms With A Friend, Advent Journey Through The Holy Land, and Through The Bible in 365 Days volumes as well. Further projects are in the works, including a With A Friend devotional for the book of Acts.
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George Coe Love has been a pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA) for more than thirty years. He has been the pastor of Hebron Presbyterian Church in Shepherdsville, Kentucky, just south of Louisville, since 2005.
George and his wife, Julie, have two adult children, Cameron and Eliza. He loves being a pastor, reading, writing, running, watching baseball and soccer, and collecting comic books.