Psalms With A Friend

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The next two paragraphs are quoted from the book's back cover.

"The picture on the cover is from a summer walk in the woods at Bernheim Forest, a lovely place near our home in Bullitt County, Kentucky. My son was home for a visit and he and my wife had walked on ahead, largely because I'm a slow walker. It allowed me to catch this moment, the two of them walking and talking. I chose this image because it's a good visual representation of what I hope we can do in this book; walk and talk our way through the book of Psalms. Together.

"The Psalms are these beautiful, heartfelt, faith-filled hymns/prayers of faith that people have found deep meaning in for centuries upon centuries. And for the longest time I struggled with them. I divided them into the happy group and the sad group and had difficulty getting deeper than the surface. Then came the pandemic and I decided to try again. This book is the result of that attempt. I finally began to understand the Psalms better and feel the Psalms more. I imagine the feeling is what led to the greater understanding. Whether you have long loved the Psalms or have struggled to dip deeper into this stunning collection of poems, I hope our time together will be fruitful."

Check out my Advent Journey Through The Holy Land, Through The Bible in 365 Days, and We Will Get Through This Together volumes as well. Further projects are in the works, including a With A Friend devotional for the book of Acts.

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George Coe Love has been a pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA) for more than thirty years. He has been the pastor of Hebron Presbyterian Church in Shepherdsville, Kentucky, just south of Louisville, since 2005.

George and his wife, Julie, have two adult children, Cameron and Eliza. He loves being a pastor, reading, writing, running, watching baseball and soccer, and collecting comic books.