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The following is quoted from the book's back cover.
Through The Bible In 365 Days With A Friend
is an invitation to dive into the pages of the Bible...
One morning, reading the Bible by the ocean in Cape Town, South Africa...
As I read, I paused and looked up. The gray clouds parted, the sun shone through and illuminated the mist/rain, and in that moment I knew what that verse was about - it was about that very moment. God was offering a gift. I was invited to rejoice in the beauty of the place, rejoice in the unlikely reality of my being on that bench in that place at that time, rejoice in a daughter, a wife and a son whom I love beyond measure, rejoice in those sharing this journey through scripture with me ... invited to rejoice in the Lord.
These are the kinds of moments I believe God has in store for all of us and what I pray you will find as you make your way through the Bible. Moments when you will be reading and it will become abundantly clear that the words on the page are somehow about this very moment. That you will look up from the pages of scripture and experience God at work in your world right now because of what you have read.
Check out my Psalms With A Friend, Advent Journey Through The Holy Land, and We Will Get Through This Together volumes as well. Further projects are in the works, including a With A Friend devotional for the book of Acts.
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George Coe Love has been a pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA) for more than thirty years. He has been the pastor of Hebron Presbyterian Church in Shepherdsville, Kentucky, just south of Louisville, since 2005.
George and his wife, Julie, have two adult children, Cameron and Eliza. He loves being a pastor, reading, writing, running, watching baseball and soccer, and collecting comic books.